Type | Line | Description |
TODO | 35 | Implement watchJob() method. |
TODO | 37 | This should use a DruidQueryExecutor and needs to run task status queries |
TODO | 39 | Submit request |
TODO | 40 | Monitor request |
TODO | 41 | Poll until status changes to FAILURE or SUCCESS |
TODO | 42 | Report results |
TODO | 54 | Implement stopWatchingJob() method. |
TODO | 68 | Implement onJobCompleted() method. |
TODO | 78 | Implement onJobFailed() method. |
TODO | 88 | Implement onJobFailed() method. |
Type | Line | Description |
TODO | 22 | Prepare data into a file somewhere |
TODO | 24 | Utilize http://php.net/manual/en/function.ssh2-scp-send.php to send file to remote machine |
TODO | 25 | Need extra params for perms, creds, & destination, exceptions for failure cases |
TODO | 27 | Design exceptions for failure cases |
Type | Line | Description |
TODO | 29 | Replace with subclassed exception |