src/DruidJobWatcher/BasicDruidJobWatcher.php 10

Type Line Description
TODO 35 Implement watchJob() method.
TODO 37 This should use a DruidQueryExecutor and needs to run task status queries
TODO 39 Submit request
TODO 40 Monitor request
TODO 41 Poll until status changes to FAILURE or SUCCESS
TODO 42 Report results
TODO 54 Implement stopWatchingJob() method.
TODO 68 Implement onJobCompleted() method.
TODO 78 Implement onJobFailed() method.
TODO 88 Implement onJobFailed() method.

src/Preparer/RemoteSCPPreparer.php 4

Type Line Description
TODO 22 Prepare data into a file somewhere
TODO 24 Utilize to send file to remote machine
TODO 25 Need extra params for perms, creds, & destination, exceptions for failure cases
TODO 27 Design exceptions for failure cases

src/ResponseHandler/IndexingTaskResponseHandler.php 1

Type Line Description
TODO 29 Replace with subclassed exception

src/ResponseHandler/IndexingTaskStatusResponseHandler.php 5

Type Line Description
TODO 29 Replace with subclassed exception
TODO 35 Replace with subclassed exception
TODO 40 Replace with subclassed exception
TODO 45 Replace with subclassed exception
TODO 50 Replace with subclassed exception

clicommands/ReferralIngestCommand.php 1

Type Line Description
TODO 103 Fill in with dimensions, etc for referrals.